Mike Carney and Mick Clardige will be starting the Four Mikes on Bikes 2019 Tour next Tuesday with a 100+mile ride to Harwich Ferry. With the combined wisdom of their years – the LASR editor knows this cumulative figure but has decided discretion is the better part of valour – the duo have been doing regular training rides (separately and together) in preparation for the trip. As Mike C said, “We will be doing long days in the saddle on the way to Rome. We will have to be self-sufficient and have had to figure out what, when and how many fuel stops we need. We have also learnt that a good recovery period is needed in order to be able to get on the bike the next day and do it all again!” In 2019 alone Mike has logged 2800 indoor cycling miles, 1500 road miles and 500,000 metres on a rowing machine. (Not surprisingly, he is also 28 pounds lighter!)
However, the Editor’s impression of a professional well-oiled training regime was somewhat dispelled by Mick, who quickly confessed to kamikaze hill climbs, high speed descents and the odd roadside nap. He also claimed – during a particularly arduous ascent – to have seen the Grim Reaper playing solitaire in a field. Who exactly the Reaper then pointed at remains a bone of contention. Notwithstanding this event, both men assured the LASR that all roads lead to Rome.

The Tour is raising money for the London & Slough Run; you can make a donation at